The Programme of the Funeral Service and the Presentation of Flowers Ceremony at the Buddhapadipa Temple, London on 26 October 2017.

The Programme of the Funeral Service and the Presentation of Flowers Ceremony at the Buddhapadipa Temple, London on 26 October 2017.

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 24 Oct 2017

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 29 Nov 2022

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On the Occasion of the Royal Cremation Ceremony
Of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej in Bangkok, Thailand
A Funeral Service and Presentation of Flowers Ceremony
At The Buddhapadipa Temple, London
Thursday, 26th October, 2017
Morning session
09:00 AM
- Gathering at the Venue
- Venerable monks proceed to the platform
09.30 AM
- Chairman lights candles and incense sticks as a gesture to pay homage to the 
Triple Gem
- Chairman lights a candle and an incense stick in front of H.M. The Late King’s Photograph
- Requesting five precepts
- Taking five precepts by repeating after the monk
- Venerable monks perform Mātikā chanting
- Short meditation to dedicate merit to H.M. The Late King (89 seconds)
10:00 AM
- Speeches in remembrance of H.M. the Late King (Thai/English)
- Laying the long garment fabric in front of the venerable monks
Chairman / representatives of Thai community offer 10 sets of robes to venerable monks
- All venerable monks chant a stanza of impermanence (aniccā)
- Representatives of Thai community present a set of gifts to venerable monks
- Offering 89 sets of robes to the venerable monks
- All venerable monks chant a stanza of impermanence (aniccā)
- All venerable monks perform stanzas of blessing
- Pouring water of dedication to transfer merit to H.M. The Late King
11:00 AM
- Offering lunch to the Sangha of Monks
11:30 AM
- Lunch for lay attendants
Afternoon session
12:30 AM
- Gathering at the Venue
- Ten venerable monks with Royal Title proceed to the platform
- H.E. Mr Pisanu Suvanajata, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary lights candles and incense sticks as a gesture to pay homage to the Triple Gem
- Chairman lights a candle and an incense stick in front of H.M. The Late King’s Photograph
- Chairman lights a candle as a gesture to pay respect to the Dhamma
- Venerable preacher proceeds to the Dhamma seat
- Requesting five precepts
- Taking five precepts by repeating after the monk
- Requesting the monk to give a sermon
- The monk gives a sermon
- Ten venerable monks perform chanting
- Short meditation to dedicate merit to H.M. The Late King (89 seconds)
- Laying the long garment fabric in front of the venerable monks
Chairman / representatives of Thai community offer 10 sets of robes to ten venerable monks
- All venerable monks chant a stanza of impermanence (aniccā)
- Chairman presents a set of gifts to the venerable preacher
- Officials or representatives of Thai community present a set of gifts to ten venerable monks
- All ten venerable monks perform stanzas of blessing
- Pouring water of dedication to transfer merit to H.M. The Late King
13.50 PM
- Appointed officials will bring in the Royal Fire Container and a Special Bouquet 
of Sandalwood Flowers
14:00 PM
- Chairman proceeds to H.M. The Late King’s Photograph
- Chairman places a set of robes on the arranged tray
- Head monk performs a stanza of impermanence (aniccā)
- Head monk / Chairman presents flowers
- Monks and lay attendants present flowers
16:00 PM
- Ceremony closes
Dress code: Official uniforms including medals of honour. Appropriate attire: Black or provided volunteers’ uniforms.
• This programme is subject to change depending on circumstances.
• Parking in Calonne Rd and vicinity is restricted, to avoid traffic issue, public transport is highly recommended.
• Please be considerate of our neighbours when arriving and leaving.

