Welsh Government’s International Strategy and ASEAN's opportunities

Welsh Government’s International Strategy and ASEAN's opportunities

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 6 Mar 2020

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 29 Nov 2022

| 1,983 view

On Friday 2 March 2020 at the Singapore High Commission in London, Ambassador Pisanu Suvanajata and the ASEAN London Committee (ALC) had a meeting with Mr. Andrew Gwatkin, Director of International Relations, Trade and Inward Investment, to exchange views on the Welsh Government’s new International Strategy, focusing on the areas where Wales and ASEAN can expand and deepen cooperation. 

The Welsh Government launched its International Strategy on 6 January 2020 in preparation for new challenges after Brexit. The Strategy is aimed to raise Wale’s profile as a globally responsible nation and to increase trade and investment of Wales in the global arena.

For ASEAN, Wales can share its experience on food production (dairy products, lamb etc.), education (digital security, music and culture), creative economy, digital technology (Wales is a major producer of microchips for facial recognition in modern smartphones and a production base of Aston Martin DBX SUVs), recycling business (Wales is ranked second in the world in this business with 60% of household waste and 75% of non-household waste being recycled. It aims to become “Zero Waste Wales” in 2030.), research and innovation, etc.


